OMMetals Infraprojects - Vikas Kothari, Director - 13-04-2018
- Bagged order worth 157crs from SJVN
- Order book of 700-750 odd crs contains about 14 projects
- 10 projects to be completed in next 1-2 years and remaining 4 projects will take 3-4 years
- FY 19 we are expecting good growth of around 20% in revenues
- Ebitda margins are over 15% and Net margins are around 8-10%
- As on today our core business is engineering and construction, real estate is an opportunistic investment
- Real Estate - Expected revenue of 1000 crs from projects under execution / sale at kota, hyderabad and jaipur - 200 crs already recognized
- Rest 800 crs will come in FY19 and FY20
- Real estate land bank has negligible debt, finance cost have shot up because of working capital loans
- Standalone debt is around 40-50 odd crs - Avg Wcap utilisation - 30-40 crs (9M FY18 Finance Cost = 13crs)
- Total debt (incl some packaging debt = 80 odd crs) Borrowing cost as per Mgmt = 13%; Nos dont add up; Mgmt will check and update
- Continuously looking to monetize 1 road asset; not able to find the buyer; NHAI looking over to takeover the road
- Once NHAI takes over the road, they'll take the debt portion - debt shall reduce by 150-170 crs at consolidated level
- Total land bank - 26000 sq.m. in bandra; 4-4.5 acre land in jaipur; 10 acres in hyderabad; 10 acres in kota
- Baring the Bandra project, everything is being monetized
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